Completing Badges and Awards At Home

Scouting from Home

While face-to-face Scouting is suspended, leaders and supporters are encouraged to support scouting from home by:

  • Customising (editing) resources for local use, by including section specific contact details and content
  • Using appropriate online channels to make edited resources available (e.g. Online Scout Manager, existing section or Group Facebook page or groups etc)
  • Using appropriate online channels to encourage participation by youth members and to encourage parents/carers to support participation
  • Using regular on-line meetings to recognise completion of badges or challenges
  • Organising local challenges to be completed at home or online

Indoors or Outdoors?

We would also remind leaders, supporters and parents that 'Scouting from Home' doesn't just mean indoor activities. While not attending school young people can still exercise outdoors, (see NHS Physical Activity Guidelines for Children) but this should not be in groups or by participating in team games. A number of Scouting activities can be carried out safely outdoors as long as social distancing guidelines are followed. Where appropriate, young people can exercise with siblings and should be supervised by responsible adults with whom they are sharing a home.

Scouting from Home Resources

Note that many of these resources will need editing (e.g. to include contact details for leaders, section specific requirements etc)

HQ Resources

  • The Scout Association is collating ideas for Scouting from Home on their Scouts at Home page - check it out as your first stop for ideas!
  • They are also pulled together the best 100 of our existing programme ideas for indoor Scouting from Home. You can access these at The Great Indoors
  • You can also access all of HQ's programme ideas using the Scout Association On-Line Programme Planner (note that many of these programme ideas will need adapting for Scouting from Home)
  • If you'd rather search for something specific you can use the Searchable Activities Library (filter by section and by 'Indoor' or 'At Home' - also note that some of these programme ideas will need adapting for Scouting from Home)

Share Your Ideas!

Literally hundreds of ideas for Scouting at Home have been submitted to HQ and will be collated to provide you with even more ideas. If you've come up with a great idea for Scouting from Home please share it with HQ via the Your Ideas for Scouts at Home page. That way all your Scouting colleagues in Durham and from across the UK can help their young people try your super idea!

Online Scout Manager - Badges at Home

Groups and sections using Online Scout Manager (OSM) should be aware that the 'Badges at Home' feature has now been released to allow photo and video evidence of badge and award requirement completion to be uploaded. This will make it easier for leaders using OSM to keep track of what badges and awards are being completed at home, and to keep track of progress.

Thanks to Rotherfield Scouts for their handy 'OSM Badges from Home' guide.

Programme Resources by Section

Here are some handy resources you can share with your beavers, cubs and scouts to get then started in a wide range of badges and activities:

Beaver Scouts
  • Beaver Badge Workbook (book reader, cyclist, animal friend, collectors, hobbies and photographer activities badges)
Cub Scouts
  • Cub Badge Workbook (animal carer artist, astronomer, book reader, chef, collector, communicator, cyclist, DIY, entertainer, environmental conservation, gardener, hobbies, home help, home safety, local knowledge, naturalist, personal safety, photographer, road safety, scientist and sports enthusiast activity badges)
  • Cub Badges and Activities to Do at Home (artist, digital citizen stage 1, book reader, air activities stage 2 and home help activity badges; cub scout personal challenge award, plus building a den at home!)
  • Scout Badge Workbook (artist, astronautics, astronomer, communicator, craft, cyclist, DIY, entertainer, environmental conservation, farming, fire safety, hobbies, librarian, local knowledge, mechanic, media relations and marketing,  meteorologist, model maker, naturalist, photographer, scientist, sports enthusiast and writer activity badges)
  • Scouts - Badge and Activities to Do at Home (artist, air researcher, air activities stage 2, chef, global issues, digital citizen stage 2 and writer activity badges, plus a bonus activity)


General Scouting Programme

The following links are provided as general programme resources. Leaders may wish to review these badges and awards to prepare resources for Scouting from Home.

Parents/carers may also wish to look at the wide range of badges and awards available and choose to support their child(ren) in completing the requirements of these badges and awards. Please check with your child's leaders how completion of these badges and awards should be evidenced.