Crowdfunding Campaign

Can you support our Crowdfunding Campaign?


Over the past few months, Moor House Adventure Centre and the County Shop have been closed, and the income that usually covers our fixed costs and supports the charity has dried up.

Throughout this period our staff have mostly been furloughed and the centre has been looked after by our volunteers. Both staff and volunteers have been fantastic and are now looking to safely reopen the site so that we can once again start to deliver fun and adventure to young people.

Our crowdfunding campaign runs over five weeks (6th July to 10th August) and is designed to help raise funds to counter the loss of income, and to allow families, friends and groups to donate in return for activity rewards, to help us build up a backlog of work for our staff.

if you can help us by making a donation or booking an activity reward, please visit our crowdfunding project page. Even if you're not in a position to donate, please tell your family and friends and 'like', 'share' and 'retweet' our social media campaign to help us get the word out.