Young Leaders Good Service Award

Durham Scouts believe that the good service of our outstanding Young Leaders should be recognised and the County Commissioner has agreed that the Commissioner's Commendation may be used as a county wide Young Leader Good Service Award.

This award comes complete with a good service award badge which can be worn on the Explorer Scout uniform and on into adult membership, and recipients are invited to have their achievements recognised at the annual county awards day.

To be considered for a Young Leader Good Service Award the Young Leader:

  • Must have completed Module A (“Prepare for Take Off!”)
  • Must have completed some other optional Young Leader training modules and must be actively working on completing other optional Young Leader training modules
  • Must be actively working towards the completion of optional Young Leader training Missions
  • Must regularly have attended sectional meetings over a period of not less than two years (taking other Explorer Scout and educational commitments in to account)
  • Must have demonstrated an exceptional level of good service over and above that normally expected of a Young Leader e.g. may be helping in more than one section, may be travelling a considerable distance to attend section meetings, may be taking significant responsibility for the planning and delivery of the section programme or for the administration of the section under a minimum level of supervision

Nominations can be made by using the hard copy forms below, or by completing the on-line form below:

Durham Scout County Young Leader Good Service Award Nomination (PDF format)

Durham Scout County Young Leader Good Service Award Nomination (MS Word format)